Çin'in resmi haber ajans? Xinhua'n?n ?ngilizce servisi ise haberlerinde Turkey'nin nezdinde Türkiye'yi de kullan?yor.
It was not clear whether the name, with a letter that doesn’t exist in the English alphabet, will catch on widely abroad.
Aram?zda Kalmas?n G&
Do hami? believe me? Insecam project is able to convince you. You hayat observe what is going on in Turkey in real time, using Insecam public cameras.
3 gün süresince istem toplayacak ?irket toplamda 44.200.000 TL nominal muteber paylar 30 TL dura?an fiyattan sat?lacak ve sat?lan
Ana deniz iklimine nazir özellikler gösteren Karadeniz iklimi Karadeniz kenarlar?nda hâkimdir. Bu iklimde yazlar ?l?k ve ya???l?, k??lar ise antipatik ve kar ya???l?d?r.
Sa?altma edilmeyen horlama sorunu horlayan?n fiziksel ve ruhsal sa?laml???na zararl? etkide bulunmakla kalm?yor
These relief features affect other aspects of the physical environment, producing climates often much harsher than might be expected for a country of Turkey’s latitude and reducing the availability and productivity of agricultural land. Structurally, the country lies within the geologically yo